A global pandemic makes us only more aware of how important it is to save resources. It is only too clear that where there is food insecurity, there is period poverty.
This day reminds us of the need to empower women and girls, the importance of ending the stigma around menstruation, and to redouble our efforts to end period poverty by 2040.
We can get to this goal with the menstrual cup! In celebration of this day, we were so fortunate to have the support of such talented artists and activists. Please take a moment and watch our global video. Together we are changing the story from shame to dignity!
You know what else is exciting about our MH2020 programming? It is hearing and watching your shared messages of dignity, hearing real men talk about menstruation, and knowing that support for the menstrual cup is growing. We are awed by your support and passion. Check out our full video here:
Thank you all for making this such a special event! Please stay up to date on CouldYou?’s support of Menstrual Hygiene Day at our dedicated Menstrual Hygiene Day microsite, and learn more about CouldYou?’s Period Poverty Initiative here.
#equalitydignityperiod, #realmentalkaboutperiods #powerfulwomentalkaboutperiods #thepowerofher